Healthy Chihuahua Snacks

Most dog owners give treats and snacks to their dogs, but many of the dog snacks found in grocery stores are the equivalent of junk food. For a small dog like the Chihuahua, even one unhealthy snack a day can lead to lbs. of fat. Switching your Chihuahua to healthy snacks will help the little dog live a long and healthy life.
  1. Chihuahua breed

    • The American Kennel Club sets the breed standard for the Chihuahua at 6 lbs. To maintain that weight, the dog must be fed a well-balanced diet with healthy snacks, or the Chihuahua can quickly gain weight.

    Weight watching

    • An overweight dog can have heart trouble, diabetes or arthritis. To keep the lbs. off, veterinarians recommend healthy snacks and food that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

    Types of healthy snacks

    • Fruits and vegetables are the best healthy snack. Some examples include:

      seeded apples, blueberries, strawberries, seeded watermelons, frozen bananas, green beans, raw or cooked carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, zucchini, lettuce, spinach and unsalted and unbuttered popcorn.

    Foods to avoid

    • Avoid the following foods. They contain chemical compounds that are toxic to dogs:

      grapes, raisins, garlic, onions, tomatoes, avocados, nuts, mushrooms and fruits with pits, such as peaches, cherries, and plums.

    Quantity of snacks

    • Even when feeding healthy snacks, be conscious of the amount fed to the Chihuahua daily. A small dog does not need a large amount of calories, typically only a few 100 a day. Keep the healthy snacks to less than 10 percent of the dog's daily intake, and the Chihuahua should maintain a good weight.