How to Keep a Dog's Feet Pads Healthy

Your dog may have four feet, but properly caring for each one will save you a lot of future trouble. If you look at your dog's foot, you'll notice puffy pads surrounding its nails and "dog toes." These foot pads provide cushioning, insulation and protection from foreign objects. Weather conditions, ground contaminants and grooming needs can leave the pads weathered, rough and even cracked.

Things You'll Need

  • Trimming scissors
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Antibacterial wash
  • Bowl of warm water
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      Trim the fur between your dog's pads regularly at the groomers. You can trim them yourself, if your dog will let you, by using small trimming scissors. Carefully remove any fur that extends beyond the pad and check between the pads for mats or tangled small objects that could potentially puncture the dog's skin.

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      Walk on surfaces other than black top and pavement in the warm months. You are responsible for considering possible health and safety risks in advance because your dog can't express discomfort until the pain becomes unbearable. Test the pavement with your own bare feet for 30 seconds before making your dog walk on a potentially painful surface.

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      Massage a penny-sized amount of petroleum jelly into each pad before a walk to protect your dog's pads from cracking in the winter. Avoid walking over rock salt, which easily lodges between the foot pads, causing burning and irritation. Dip each paw in warm water for 30 seconds after waking outside in the winter and massage between the pads to remove any salt pieces and snow. If your dog will wear them willingly, you can also put your dog in paw-boots for added protection during the cold months.

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      Inspect for any abnormalities, wounds or sores once a week. Afterward, wash the pads with warm water and antibacterial soap. Clean the pads twice a day if you find a wound or open skin. Wrap the injured paw securely in bandage or gauze to prevent your dog from continuously licking the injury.