Natural Healing of Skin Problems in Dachshunds

Like all other breeds, dachshunds are capable of getting a variety of skin problems. With the smooth version of these dogs, these problems may even be highly visible. However, that can make treatment easier. For the safest treatment, natural solutions may be better than harsh chemicals. Knowing how to properly treat your dog's skin is just as important as every other ailment that your prized pet may face. Skin health is a major part of your dog's overall health.
  1. Diet

    • What your dachshund eats can have an effect on its overall skin health. Low quality dog food can lack the nutrients required to keep your dog healthy. It can contain heavy amounts of preservatives and grain fillers in place of quality food. A healthy diet should contain meat and vegetables. For this reason, converting your dachshund's regular meals to raw foods may assist in the prevention and treatment of skin irritations. This could prevent pattern baldness, infections, ulcerations and thinning of the hair, which dachshunds are prone to.

    Fish Oil

    • Fish oil designed for dogs can be purchased at most pet supply stores. It is a quick and simple way to treat hot spots, shedding, scratching and infections. The substance can be easily added to your dachshund's food. In addition to helping the skin, fish oil can also treat and prevent ear infections and protect the heart from disease, according to the University of Florida's College of Veterinary Medicine. Fish oil is best to prevent inflammatory diseases that could affect the skin of your dachshund.

    Water and Baking Soda

    • Like humans, dachshunds can get dandruff. This is a result of dry skin. It appears as white flakes that either fall of the skin or get stuck in the fur. This can also cause itching and irritation that will lead your dog to excessive scratching that can break the skin. This can lead to bleeding and infection. Giving your dachshund a bath containing a water and baking soda mix can relieve these symptoms and put an end to the dandruff.

    Stress Reduction

    • Stress not only has an emotional effect on your dog. It can also have a physical effect. Along with causing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and odd behavior, stress can lead to skin problems. This can stem from your dog not eating or drinking enough water due to outside irritations, causing it to take care of itself less. Giving your dog more caring attention and removing stressful things, such as a cat, may relieve your dog from emotional problems.