How to: Cures for Shar-Pei Hotspots

Knowing how to cure a Shar-Pei's hot spot can mean the difference between a curable rash and a full-blown skin irritation that will tempt your dog into biting and scaring their skin. Hot spots, which are common in Shar-Peis, cause your pet to itch and scratch themselves due to insects, such as ticks and fleas, and allergies. The pet does not know what is going on, so the dog's first instinct to lick the medication and start biting the irritated area again.

Things You'll Need

  • Anti-flea shampoo
  • Warm water
  • Bathtub
  • 2 towels
  • Hairdryer
  • Dog brush
  • Topical Antibiotic -- Hydrocortisone Ointment
  • Funnel collar
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    • 1

      Wash your Shar-Pei with anti-flea or anti-tick shampoo and warm water. Wet the pet in the bathtub, and then rub the shampoo all over the Shar-Pei. Focus on the areas with the lesions; the infected areas need to be kept as clean as possible.

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      Dry the Shar-Pei with towels and a hair-dryer. The infected area needs to be as dry as possible before applying the medication. Groom the Shar-Pei so that it feels like it is being pampered, because the next few steps will be difficult on your pet.

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      Place the medication provided by your veterinarian on the clean, dry lesions. A friend might have to hold the dog's mouth to prevent the dog from attempting to lick the medication from its rash. Make sure the area is completely covered with ointment.

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      Open and position a funnel collar onto the Shar-Pei's neck. The funnel should come inward in a "V" shape. Close the funnel collar; the collar prevents the dog from accessing the treated site.

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      Wash the rash and reapply the medication as prescribed by your veterinarian. The ointment tube will designate how often you are supposed to apply the medication.