Questions to Consider Before You Put Your Dog to Sleep

Dogs are loving companions in many households. Your dog becomes part of the family, with a personality as big as any of the human family members. Dogs age faster than humans, however, and there may come a time when you need to decide what is best for your dog. Making this decision is extremely difficult, so answer these questions honestly.
  1. Is Your Dog's Condition Getting Worse and Not Responding to Treatment?

    • If your dog has cancer, ulcers or other health issues, consult with your veterinarian about whether the treatment is working. If the dog continues to suffer despite your best efforts and the vet's, it may be time to consider humane euthanasia.

    Has the Dog's Personality Changed?

    • Dogs have personalities just like people and that personality can change with illness or chronic pain. If the dog suddenly whines more often, does not move about as frequently, begins to wet the floor suddenly or stops greeting visitors, it is definitely time to speak with your veterinarian. The dog may be ill or, says Lisa Peterson, American Kennel Club Director of Club Communications, it may be signaling it is at the end of its life.

    Is Regular Veterinary Care Financially Impossible?

    • This question may be the most difficult to answer honestly, but for the sake of the dog be realistic about your financial situation. While letting go of a dog is heartbreaking, keeping a dog who is suffering is cruel. Review all current and possible future medical costs involved in keeping a dog with a medical condition. Consider humane euthanasia when there is no way to keep the dog comfortable.

    Will the Dog's Health Return?

    • If your dog heals, will she regain her health? What will her quality of life be? If your dog will continue to suffer despite recovering from her illness, it may be better to put the dog to sleep.