What Happens When a Spider Bites a Baby Dog?

Spider bites can be dangerous for dogs, but especially young puppies. Symptoms alone can make your canine uncomfortable, but certain venoms may be fatal just as they are for humans. Some types of bites may even require a visit to your veterinarian. With proper treatment, your puppy will be on his way to recovery quickly.
  1. Diagnosis

    • First you'll need to determine for sure that your puppy has received a serious bite from a spider. If your pet is shivering and vomiting constantly, that is a good indication it has been bitten by some kind of spider. If your dog is scratching constantly behind the ears or on the belly, it is usually a sign of fleas. Bees, wasps, hornets or mosquitoes usually cause swelling, redness or heat to the touch.


    • The good news is that most spiders are too small and their fangs not sharp enough to cause any major symptoms in your puppy. Dog skin is much thicker than human skin, so it's tough for most spiders to cause more than a swelling, itching bump on your puppy's skin. More dangerous and larger spiders, however, can cause more damage. Black widows, for instance, can cause symptoms such as shivering and vomiting in puppies and may merit a visit to the vet.


    • The main symptom for normal spider bites is itchiness. Mix a simple paste of baking soda and water and apply it several times to the affected area. If the area is large and swollen, apply a cold compress for five minutes at a time to relieve pain and take down the swelling. For bites that cause harsher symptoms, like vomiting and shivering, make your puppy as comfortable as possible until you can get him to the vet for further treatment.


    • Ask your veterinarian about protective bug repellents that your puppy may be able to wear when playing outside. If you live in an area known to have black widows or other larger poisonous spiders, spray and exterminate around your house or apartment to keep spiders out. Clean regularly in hidden corners and closets to ensure that no webs are being built. Clear away any webs you may find and vacuum carefully to pick up any eggs that may have been laid.