How to Get Rid of Mange Mites

Mange is caused by tiny mites that cause severe skin irritation in dogs and other animals. Symptoms are inflammation, itching and hair loss. Mites tunnel into the skin via the hair follicles and glands of the epidermal layer. This causes the animal to itch which can lead to open sores, scabs, and eventually hair loss. Mange will eventually affect the immune system of the host which can lead to other ailments. If you believe your animal has the disease you will want to have it treated as soon as possible.  


Things You'll Need

  • Medicated shampoo
  • Mange collar
  • Pet comb or brush
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      Examine your pets for mange mites by using your hands or a comb to brush through their hair. Mites are small and you may need to use a magnifying glass to see them. You are looking for what looks like a small flea. If you find mites, remove them and bring your pet to a vet. They will need to determine the type of mange that you animal has. In some cases getting rid of them can be as simple as using a medicated shampoo and conditioner. You can also look for excessive scratching by your pet around their ears. If you see this look into their ears for any dark brown or black. It is stickier and denser in consistency than dirt. These could be mite feces.

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      Do not expose your pets to the outdoors. Once you determine that your animal has mange keep them inside as much as possible. Only take them out when it is absolutely necessary.


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      Inspect your own skin to see if you are infected by mange. You are looking for open sores, or bites. Get the help of a dermatologist if you think that you have mange. The doctor will likely prescribe a medicated soap and shampoo for you.

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      Wash your clothes rugs, mattresses and other bedding material that may have mites in them using a medicated shampoo.

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      Use commercial mange mite prevention. Use anti-mange mite and flea powder around the area where your pet sleeps. Use a medicated shampoo and conditioner on your pet at least once a month. Put an anti-mite collar on your animal.