What Are the Causes of Meningioma Specifically in Dogs?

Meningioma is a form of benign -- but still dangerous -- brain cancer, common in dogs. It is the result of abnormal cell multiplication in the membrane surrounding the brain, and can in some cases cause serious health problems. Like many cancers, its origins and causes are shadowy, but it usually manifests in older dogs.
  1. Location

    • Meningioma manifests, appropriately, in the meninges, the protective membranes that line your dog's nervous system -- and your own, actually. These are external to the brain and the spine, so tumors that grow on it aren't deep down in the brain, inaccessible; they grow from the skull inward. This makes them easier to treat than the more severe growths we usually think of when we hear the words "brain tumor."


    • While meningiomas are tumors, they are almost always benign -- meaning that there's no danger of them metastasizing and spreading to other areas of the nervous system or the body. What they can do, however, is expand inside the dog's small skull, putting dangerous pressure on the tissue of its brain. When a meningioma swells enough to press on the brain, it will begin to cause serious problems: blindness, confusion, exhaustion and fear, and other upsetting symptoms.


    • The precise causes of meningioma are poorly understood. Like other cancers, it requires a modification to the genetic information carried in the area's cells, making them multiply uncontrollably. How many meningioma cases come from inherited genetic predisposition and how many from environmental factors is unknown. What we do know is that meningioma is very common -- the most common type of brain tumor in dogs -- and usually manifests in dogs older than eight years.

    Taking Action

    • If your dog is exhibiting symptoms of meningioma, don't count on the diagnosis yourself; take it to a veterinarian immediately, and explain the symptoms as well as your fears. The vet will run tests and decide on the best course of treatment.