Practice prevention of heartworms by keeping infected mosquitoes from harming your dog. The heartworm is a parasite that when deposited into a dog by an infected mosquito travels to the heart and lungs of a dog. The infestation can cause serious problems, including death. Remove standing water from your dog's environment. For example, if you have flower pots that collect water, be sure to dump the water regularly. If you own a pond, make sure you aerated your pond. Give your dog monthly medication to control heartworm disease. This medicine will come from a veterinarian.
Wash your dog regularly in a tub to prevent ticks. Ticks are insects that can spread diseases such as Lyme disease. If your dog's hair is thick and attracts dirt, wash your dog daily if possible. Use a shampoo formulated for ticks as prescribed by a veterinarian. Keep your grass cut and keep your dog away from dirt and bushes. Keep your dog's bedding clean.
Apply surface products to your dog's coat, give your dog a monthly pill, or apply a flea insecticide. These products are obtained through a veterinarian. Fleas are parasites that feed on the blood of your dog. Normally numerous fleas will infect your dog, not just one. Fleas can cause problems such as tapeworms. Flea traps and flea collars are other methods that work to prevent fleas. You can also shampoo your dog with flea prevention shampoo.
How to Keep Bugs From Biting My Dog
There are certain bugs that love to bite a dog. Mosquitoes, ticks and fleas are three of the most common culprits. It is important to stop these bugs from biting your dog to prevent the diseases that these pests spread, such as heartworm disease or Lyme disease. The most powerful prevention will come from medical recommendations from a veterinarian. Other methods can be purchased at pet shops or anywhere pet products are sold.