How to Treat Fire Ant Bites on Dogs

Fire ant bites can be a big problem for dogs. Fire ants are red and black in color. They build soft piles of soil, and when their pile is disturbed, they come out aggressively and start stinging and biting. When a fire ant bites a dog, the dog is left with a white pustule on the skin. Dogs are susceptible to infection because they have a tendency to scratch and bite the pustules. In order to keep your dog safe, it is best to treat the bites as soon as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 tbsps. baking soda
  • 1 tbsps. water
  • Small bowl
  • Cotton ball
  • Ice pack
  • Towel
  • Benadryl
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    • 1

      Place 2 tbsps. baking soda and 1 tbsp. water in a small bowl.

    • 2

      Mix well until it forms a paste.

    • 3

      Dip a cotton ball in the paste and apply to the pustules every hour.

    • 4

      Wrap an ice pack in a towel and apply it to the bite in between paste applications.

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      Administer Benadryl if the paste does not heal the bite. The dosage is typically one milligram per pound of your dog.