How to Treat Dry Skin in an Older Dog

As veterinary medicine continues to evolve, pets continue to live longer and healthier lives. But aging brings along its own problems, such as dry and itchy skin. It is challenging to keep your dog's skin healthy as it ages, but you can take a few simple steps to care for your dog, so that its skin doesn't become dry and cracked.

Things You'll Need

  • Brush
  • Fatty-acid supplements
  • Oatmeal
  • Clean tennis sock
  • Aluminum foil
  • Washcloth
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      Brush your dog's coat often to stimulate the production of natural oils. Ask your veterinarian or groomer, for shampoo that will soothe your dog's skin, without removing the oils.

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      Include more fatty-acids in your dog's diet. Give your dog supplements that contain Omega-6 fatty acids, such as corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, wheatgerm oil and extra virgin olive oil.

      Consider also giving your dog Omega-3 supplements, which are not as essential, but are considered beneficial to the dog's skin. Salmon oil, flaxseed oil, pumpkin oil and cod liver oil all fall under the Omega-3 category.

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      Use oatmeal-based shampoos, conditioners and skin moisturizers from your local pet store.

      Or make your own.

      Pour lukewarm water into a bowl filled with the oatmeal, so that the amount of water is equal to the amount of oatmeal. Stir it until it has a starchy texture.

      Pour the oatmeal mixture into a tennis sock. Rub the affected areas of the dog's skin with this sock for about 10 minutes. Then wash the dog with a wet washcloth: Or put the oatmeal mixture on the affected areas, and cover them in aluminum foil.

      Let it sit for 10 minutes. Don't let the dog lie down on the affected area during this time. Remove the foil and rinse the dog with lukewarm water.