How to Protect a Pet's Eyes With Doggles

The gleeful expression of a dog with his head out the window could change quickly if his eyes are unprotected. With his head out the window, your dog's eyes become vulnerable to small rocks, sand and other particles flying down the road. But particle invasions aren't the only danger to your dog's eyes. The dog-loving couple who invented Doggles, did so after noticing their own dog squinting at the sun and thought he would benefit from some sunglasses designed specifically for dogs. Not all dogs are cooperative Doggles wearers, but with a little training you can have your dog wearing this doggy sunglass-goggle hybrid now to protect his eyes for the future.


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      Bring your dog outside on a sunny day when you introduce him to Doggles. Placing sunglasses on your dog's eyes indoors is frightening and confusing. After you properly adjust the Doggles, distract him by immediately taking him for a walk. Practice this routine outside on walks until he accepts wearing the Doggles. When you're confident that he'll where his new shades without protest, take him for a joy ride in the car.

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      Sit your dog by your side and speak gently to him. Pull the chin strap down from the head band, place it under his chin and rest the Doggles on top of his head. Pull the head strap behind and under his ears before pulling the Doggles down over his eyes. For long-eared dogs, pull the ears through the back of the head band to avoid discomfort. Praise him during the entire fitting period.

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      Adjust the Doggles head band by feeding or pulling the elastic loop in the back. Fix the chin strap using the designated adjustable loop. The straps should fit securely, but comfortably. The elastic band is too tight if the straps are indenting his chin or head. Dog breeds with larger heads, like the English bulldog, will be more comfortable in next Doggles size up. Consult the Doggles size chart for complete measurements and breed recommendations (see Resources).