How to Treat a UTI in a Dog

Bacteria cause dog urinary tract infections. Bacteria thrive in moist environments and can easily travel through your dog's urethra. Once bacteria enter the bladder and kidneys, infections can develop. Female dogs are more likely to get urinary tract infections. If your dog develops symptoms such as very frequent or very infrequent attempts to urinate, whimpering while urinating or blood in the urine, take her to the vet. Treating a urinary tract infection is necessary to prevent complications such as damage to your dog's urethra and the lining of her bladder.

Things You'll Need

  • Canned dog food
  • Water
  • Leash
  • Citrus juice
  • Antibiotics
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    • 1
      Cut out dry foods.

      Switch your dog from a dry dog food to moist food. Canned dog foods contain more water and will help maintain a balanced pH level. UTIs develop with a high pH level.

    • 2
      Give your dog plenty of water.

      Offer more water to your dog. The more frequently your dog drinks, the more she'll need to urinate. Frequent urination will help clear the urethra and bladder of harmful bacteria.

    • 3
      Frequent walks may help.

      Walk your dog. Walking may make her want to urinate more.

    • 4
      Add citrus juice to your dog's diet.

      Ask your veterinarian about adding citrus juice to your dog's diet. According to Vet Info, citrus juices can improve acidity levels in the urine.

    • 5
      Give your dog her prescribed medicine.

      Give your dog the antibiotic the vet prescribes in the doses and at the times specified.