Things You'll Need
- Cotton balls
- Ear wash solution
- Tweezers
- Ear powder
Flip your poodle's ear over to expose the inside. If there's a lot of hair in the ear canal, apply a small amount of the ear powder and use the tweezers to gently remove the hair. Excessive hair can contribute to ear infections and prevent proper wax removal.
Squeeze a small amount of the ear wash solution on the inner flap of the ear as well as into the ear canal. Do not force the tip of the bottle into the ear.
Place your poodle's ear flap back down, and massage the ear at the base, to help distribute the solution within the ear canal.
Flip the ear flap back up, so that the inside of the ear is exposed. Use the cotton balls to remove the ear wax from your poodle's ear canal area, in an outward motion.