Homeopathic Treatment for Ringworm in Dogs

Ringworm is a common name for a skin infection caused by fungi, not a worm. These particular fungi feed on dead skin cells and hair, leaving dry, grey scaly patches on your dog. Because the ring of irritated, itchy skin resembles a worm, it was named ringworm. The infection is contagious and can be spread to people and other animals, though the young, elderly and immune deficient are most susceptible. Fortunately, there are natural, homeopathic ways to treat ringworm in your dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog shaver
  • Herbal anti-fungal Shampoo
  • Dermasil Cream
  • Ring-Ex for dogs
  • Calendula
  • Licorice
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      Shave all affected areas of your dog. Keeping the area clean and free of hair helps in the healing process.

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      Shampoo your dog with Dermasil, Ketoconazole, Dermazole or other herbal anti-fungal pet shampoo, found at most major pet stores. Wet your dog, apply the shampoo and leave on for five minutes; rinse and repeat. Be sure the final shampoo is rinsed well.

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      Apply Dermasil cream or Ring-Ex to the affected areas. These absorb into the skin and hair immediately, penetrating the ringworm fungus. Use daily until the ringworm is cleared up.

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      Apply herbal remedies to the affected areas, as an alternative to ointments. These herbs work as anti-inflammatory agents while healing the wounds and sores. Apply calendula to a cotton swab, and rub it on ringworm lesions two or three times a day until healed. Or, make a tea from the dried licorice herb. When the tea is cool, soak a cotton ball with it and apply to lesions two or three times a day to heal the ringworm.