How to Cure a Dry Dog Nose From Cold Weather

Winter brings with it cold, snow and dry air. Most dogs don't mind the cold and snow, but they can certainly do without the dry air. Dry air tends to crack your dog's nose and make it sore. While a dry nose isn't a life-threatening condition -- or even a reason to see a vet -- it does cause your dog some discomfort. Moistening your dog's nose is the only way to help cure dryness.

Things You'll Need

  • Petroleum jelly
  • Vitamin E
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      Apply a pinch of petroleum jelly or Vitamin E to a cotton ball or cotton swab.

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      Dab the cotton ball or swab onto your dog's nose. Do not rub the jelly or Vitamin E onto your dog's nose, as that can cause further irritation.

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      Apply a lotion specifically for dogs and dry skin. Instead of using petroleum jelly or Vitamin E to moisten your dog's nose, you can opt to use lotion made to protect and heal your dog's nose. You can find the lotion in most pet stores.