How to Get Rid of Fleas on a Chihuahua

Dogs that go outside can track fleas into your home, where they'll bite you and your pet until you get rid of them all. These bugs thrive in 65 to 80 degree weather, and long-standing infestations are tricky to remove. Whether you choose to treat your pet and your home using all-natural remedies or chemical controls, you'll have the best success if you check regularly for fleas, give the initial treatment quickly, and then monitor your pet's progress back to the flea-free zone, applying repeat treatment if necessary.

Things You'll Need

  • Flea comb
  • Bowl
  • Dish soap or vegetable oil
  • Flea shampoo
  • Topical flea killer
  • Essential oil spray
  • Vacuum
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      Comb the fleas off with a flea comb for a gentle, chemical-free remedy. Fill a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap or 1 tsp. of vegetable oil. Comb your pet; the black dots that come off on the comb are fleas and flea eggs. When your comb is full of fleas, dip it into the soapy water to kill them. Wipe the comb clean and go back to combing. Concentrate on warm areas like your dog's "armpits" and buttocks, since fleas congregate there.

      Comb daily until you see no evidence of fleas. Use this as your only flea control method or in combination with other methods.

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      Wash your chihuahua with flea control shampoo that contains pyrethrin, which kills fleas. Only use shampoo meant for dogs. Squirt a quarter-sized dollop of shampoo into your palm, and rub it all over your animal's coat, concentrating on the legs, tail and belly. Let the shampoo sit for several minutes, and rinse your pet's coat until no traces of soap remain. Within a couple days, all fleas and eggs will die.

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      Apply a topical flea killer, which is available at pet stores or through your veterinarian. Do so instead of giving your pet a bath with flea shampoo or afterward, but don't use a topical treatment and then give your chihuahua a bath -- it just washes away the topical solution. This kills fleas within a couple of days.

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      Shoo away fleas with essential oils that drive them away. Spray your dog with citronella, peppermint, lemongrass or lavender oil for natural flea control. Combine this method with flea combing to remove the pests naturally.

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      Wash all bedding, dog beds and any furniture your dog sits in, and vacuum your home thoroughly. If you treat your dog but don't clean your home, he'll only get re-infested later.