How to Determine the Ideal Weight for a Dog

Determining the ideal weight for your dog is a very challenging task. Like people, the healthy weight ranges for different sizes of dogs can range quite a bit. One breed of dog can have an ideal weight range of 20 to 30 lbs. There is no set scientific way to determine your dog's ideal weight. You will need to base this weight on your dog's current weight, along with how the dog looks and feels. After all, your dog might be at the ideal weight right now.


    • 1

      Check out a weight chart for dogs. You've probably seen these in your vet's office, and you can find one in the resource section below.

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      Compare the three pictures on the chart, which depicts dogs that are too thin, ideal and too heavy, with your own dog. Look carefully to figure out which category your dog falls into.

    • 3

      Put your hands against your dog's ribs. If you can see the ribs without touching, then you're dog is likely too thin. If you cannot feel the ribs with light pressure, then your dog is likely too heavy.

    • 4

      Look carefully at your dog's waist. Toward the tail, your dog's abdomen should tuck upward when viewed from the side, like the middle dog on the weight chart. Without the tuck, your dog is likely overweight.

    • 5

      Take the information you've gathered to your veterinarian. Together, you can determine the ideal weight for your dog. However, you have already discovered for yourself if your dog needs to lose or gain weight. If your dog passed the above tests, then the current weight is the ideal weight.