How to Check a Dog for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria that comes from certain ticks. If a tick is infected, and bites a dogs or human, the bacteria from the tick can spread and infect. It is important to use tick prevention and tick-killing products to reduce the chance of your pet catching Lyme disease. Vaccines that prevent Lyme disease in dogs are available. Your dog might exhibit specific signs and symptoms if it has contracted Lyme disease.


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      Check your dog's joints to see if they are swollen or hot. Lyme disease brings on symptoms similar to arthritis.

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      Take note if your dog has become less active. Dogs who have contracted Lyme disease tend to become less playful.

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      Limping might be a symptom of Lyme disease. Pain in the legs is common with this disease; the pain might shift from one leg to another.

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      Check for a fever and swollen lymph nodes. A fever of 102 degrees or higher is a symptom of Lyme disease.