How to Feed a Dog That Is Wearing an Elizabethan Collar

If your dog has recently had surgery -- or if it is chewing sores into its flesh from allergies or insect bites -- your veterinarian may suggest your dog wear a large protective collar for a few days. These plastic cones are called Elizabethan, or E collars, and they keep the dog from chewing out stitches, licking wounds, or otherwise hurting itself. You will need to help your dog with daily activities while wearing an Elizabethan collar, including eating.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog food
  • Dog bowl
  • Spoon (optional)
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      Prepare the food. If your veterinarian has suggested an alternate diet or dietary supplements for your sick or injured dog, prepare the food as per the vet's instructions. Otherwise fill your dog's bowl as usual.

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      Hand-feed your dog. Take your dog to a quiet part of the house where you can sit comfortably with your dog sitting on the floor in front of you. Pick up the dry dog food -- one or two pieces at a time -- and feed them to your dog. If there is canned food, or other wet components to your dog's food that you do not want to touch, use a spoon to scoop up the food and offer it to your dog.

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      Remove the collar. You can also remove the Elizabethan collar at mealtimes, as long as you continually supervise your dog. You must make sure it doesn't pull out stitches or chew a sore spot once the collar is removed. Once your dog has finished eating, put it back on.