How to Exterminate Dog Ticks

Dog ticks are prominent from early spring to late winter. During this time, ticks are likely to invade your dog's body and your house. These insects can inflict diseases -- some permanent -- on you or your dog by means of spreading bacteria through bite. It is imperative to exterminate all ticks from both your dog's body and your house to remain safe. If your dog is an outside dog, you should take special care in looking for and exterminating dog ticks.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic gloves
  • Tweezers
  • Plastic bags
  • Insecticide spray
  • Tick repellent
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    • 1

      Find the location of the dog ticks. If they are on your dog, it is probable that they are also in your house. Likewise, if you find a stray tick in your house, make sure to check your dog's fur and skin for others. Once you have determined where the ticks are residing, you may prepare to exterminate them.

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      Remove ticks from your dog's body. You should put on gloves before going through this process, because ticks can also infect humans. With gloves on, grab a pair of tweezers and, grabbing the ticks by their heads, pull them from the dog's body. Place the ticks in a sealed plastic bag in case you need to show your veterinarian the species of tick.

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      Wash your dog with a tick shampoo. It is likely that you were not able to remove all the ticks from your dog, because they are not always easy to find. Therefore, it is advisable to wash your dog after removing the ticks you were able to find. You should use a tick shampoo, as this kind of shampoo can remove ticks that may have lodged themselves into your dog's skin.

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      Purchase a spray insecticide to spray the affected areas in your home. There are many types of spray insecticides, but you should choose one that specializes in exterminating ticks. You should also spray some insecticide in your yard if you suspect your dog's ticks came from the yard.

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      Spray tick repellent on your doors leading outside. After exterminating the ticks from your dog and house, you can prevent them from re-entering the household by spraying tick repellent on the doors leading outside. Tick repellent will not exterminate ticks, but it will deter them from entering your house.