How to Tell If a Lab Puppy Doesn't Feel Good

Getting a new puppy is exciting, but the responsibility also can be scary. Puppies generally make it clear when they aren't feeling well. From obvious symptoms to the more general, if you know what to look for and watch your puppy's habits, it isn't hard to tell when they are under the weather. Your lab puppy has a few specific issues to watch out for.


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      Look for obvious symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea and blood, according to veterinarian Will Draper on the website WebMD. Any of these symptoms is a sign that something is wrong, and that you should take your puppy a veterinarian as soon as possible.

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      Watch out for less clear symptoms such as not eating, drinking too much or too little water, urinating frequently, or scratching more often then usual. These can be harder to decipher, but they can be just as indicative that something is wrong, Draper says.

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      Know problems that lab puppies in particular might face. If your puppy destroys something while you are gone, it is generally because they were stressed about being separated from you, according to the website Labrador Forums. Labradors have intense separation anxiety. Instead of punishing for destroying something when left alone, try to think of ways to not leave them alone that long in the future. Also try to not leave them alone with chew toys, since they might tear them apart and choke on them due to their powerful jaws, according to Labrador Forum. If you believe your puppy has swallowed part of their toy, call a veterinarian immediately.

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      Use your instincts, and take them seriously if they tell you that something is wrong. Knowing your puppy's habits is the best way to tell if something about them is not right, according to the website Perfect Puppy Care. If they are more tired then usual and not acting like their normal selves, take them to a veterinarian if you are worried. No one is a better judge than you to tell if your puppy is not acting healthy.