How to Help a Siberian Husky Lose Weight

A healthy Siberian husky weighs between 35 to 60 pounds, with males averaging 52 pounds and females averaging 42 pounds. Siberian huskies need little food and plenty of exercise to stay healthy. To determine whether your dog needs to lose weight, run your hand over your dog's body without placing any pressure. If you can't easily feel its ribs, pelvis bones and spine, your dog is overweight. Put your dog on a weight loss program to help it lose weight.


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      Remove canned food and semi-moist food from your dog's diet. Dogs like canned food and can overeat when they have access to it. Even dogs with healthy weight should eat canned food only to fulfill one quarter of their daily food intake. Semi-moist foods have high calorie contents.

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      Replace regular treats with low-calorie treats such as carrots, apples or lean cheese. This allows you to reward your dog without adding too pounds. Prevent your Siberian husky from snacking on your other pets' food or on table scraps.

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      Set regular feeding times, because Siberian huskies usually clean their food bowls. Every day, feed the dog one large meal in the late afternoon or two smaller meals. Place the amount of light dog food recommended by the product label in the food bowl and let your dog eat for 15 to 20 minutes. Throw away any food that remains after this time and feed the dog again only when the feeding time comes around. Free feeding encourages your dog to eat more than it needs.

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      Get your Siberian husky to exercise for at least 20 minutes every day. Start with walking if it doesn't usually exercise, building up to more vigorous exercise. Take the dog jogging with you or play fetch with it in the yard. Besides burning fat deposits and helping with weight loss, exercise also keeps your dog stimulated. A Siberian husky with not enough exercise becomes restless and sometimes develops behavioral problems such as ripping sofa stuffing or digging in the yard.