How to Decrease Anxiety in Dogs

Separation anxiety is the most common type of anxiety that dogs suffer from, according to Separation anxiety in a dog can cause them to destroy items around the house, be unruly and hard to control. They can even hurt themselves. One of the main reasons dogs suffer from anxiety is because their owners feel the need to treat them like children instead of like a pet. suggests that taking on the role of a leader in the dog's life is the best way to start weening them from their anxiety.


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      Become the pack leader to the dog in your life, suggests This will cause them less stress. When dogs see a human as a follower or an equal to them it causes them confusion when that person leaves and they are left behind. Establish leadership by showing the dog that you are the boss. This means that they are taught to listen to commands and to not be the boss of themselves.

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      Take them for a walk every day. Some dogs experience anxiety because they do not get enough exercise. Fitness will help wear them out and they will also be less likely to harm the house when they are left behind. Fitness is not just necessary for a dog's mental health though, it is important for their overall health, according to "Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide To Natural Health For Dogs &Cats."

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      Don't make a big deal about leaving. Pitcairn's book also suggests that dogs pick up on human emotions. When the human of the house leaves and is dramatic about it, the dog and will cause trouble. Instead, just quietly leave the house. This will make a big difference and maybe the neighbors won't have to listen to the dog bark when the house is empty.