How to Combat Bad Breath in Dogs

Just like in people, a dog's bad breath can be caused by dental issues. The pooch might have gingivitis, tooth decay, or even some old food stuck in his teeth. Generally, if the dog's bad breath is consistent and at-home remedies are not working it is important to take it into the veterinarian to get it checked out. Most vets do dental work on dogs, and they often recommend brushing the dog's teeth at home.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog toothpaste
  • Dog toothbrush
  • Oral hygiene dog treats
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      Brush the dog's teeth once a day, or less often if that is not convenient, but at least every other day. Dog toothbrushes and toothpaste can be bought at almost any chain pet store. Most dog-specialized toothpastes are made with some sort of meat or cheese flavoring that makes them appealing to the dogs. Do not use human toothpaste as it is made with chemicals that might harm the dog.

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      Check the dog's mouth daily to make sure that there are not any pieces of food or other debris stuck in their teeth that could be causing the foul odor. Also make sure the dog is getting enough water each day, which can help wash away food and bacteria.

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      Give your dog dental treats that help clean its teeth. Some treats have mint and other herbs that help make the dog's breath smell better. These treats can be purchased at almost any chain pet store. Follow the instructions on the box as to how many and how often they should be given to the dog.

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      Make an appointment for a dental exam and cleaning at the veterinarian if bad breath persists. It is important to take the dog to the vet if there is oral discharge, if the dog is having trouble eating, if it appears to have pain or bleeding, or if is drooling excessively.