How to Remove Stains From Your Dog's Teeth

Yellow stains on your dog's teeth are often caused by a buildup of tartar and plaque. Similar to human teeth, canine teeth require brushing on a regular basis to prevent staining and promote good oral hygiene. By following a routine oral regimen, you can help your dog eliminate already existing stains and also prevent new ones from forming. Good oral hygiene is not only good for your dog's appearance, it's also good for your dog's health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum diseases, premature aging and other preventable illnesses.

Things You'll Need

  • Canine toothbrush
  • Canine toothpaste
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3 percent solution)
  • Baking soda
  • Hard foods and treats
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      Brush your dog's teeth regularly with a canine toothbrush and toothpaste. Perform brushing, at a minimum, two to three times per week. Performing it daily is ideal. Regular brushing reduces plaque and helps eliminate light staining on the teeth. Brush thoroughly along the gum line, as this is the biggest problem area. Also brush over all surfaces of the teeth. You can use an electronic toothbrush for extra cleaning and polishing. Brushing shouldn't take long --- approximately 30 to 60 seconds total.

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      Dip the toothbrush into hydrogen peroxide and then brush the dog's teeth. It's best to dip the toothbrush at least once for each tooth to make sure the hydrogen peroxide is spread evenly over the teeth. You can also use baking soda if you prefer. Both hydrogen peroxide and baking soda are known for eliminating the tougher stains that regular brushing doesn't seem to help.

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      Feed your dog hard foods and treats. Soft foods such as canned meals often stick to the teeth and cause more staining. You can also purchase treats for your dog that help remove plaque and stains. Some pet stores also sell dental-cleaning toys that help your dog remove plaque through chewing on the toy.

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      Take your dog to the vet for professional teeth cleaning and polishing. Ideally, you should do this one or two times per year. The vet usually puts the dog under general anesthesia to perform the procedure. This enables the vet to thoroughly clean all the teeth without worrying about the cooperation of the dog. If regular brushing and polishing fails to eliminate the stains, taking your dog to the vet is your best option.