How to Kill Fleas on Very Small Dogs

Fleas aren't just annoying for very small dogs, they can also be deadly. Very small or very young dogs don't have the same ability to cope with the loss of blood caused by fleas. They can develop anemia, leading to a real chance of death from a severe flea infestation. Many commercially available products are only approved for use in dogs above a certain age. Speak to your veterinarian about controlling fleas on very small dogs and discuss the appropriate course of treatment, including supportive care, for small dogs suffering from a flea infestation.

Things You'll Need

  • Dish soap
  • Flea comb
  • topical flea killer
  • Oral flea medication
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      Bathe the puppy using Dawn dish soap without bleach or de-greasing agents. Dawn dish soap is recommended to shelter veterinarians and staff as a viable alternative to medicated flea shampoos, many of which have an age limit of 12 weeks or older.

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      Give your dog a bath at least once weekly until the flea problem is under control to remove adult fleas and flea eggs.

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      Comb the dog daily using a metal or plastic flea comb. The tines of a flea comb are designed to pick up small fleas. This needs to be repeated daily to catch newly hatched fleas in the dog's coat.

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      Administer a prescribed oral flea medication. Some veterinary drugs, such as nitenypram, are safe for use in dogs as small as 2 pounds and as young as four weeks old.

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      Apply an over-the-counter topical flea repellent. Some topical drugs, such as fipronil, are approved for use in puppies as young as 8 weeks old. Fipronil is sold only through veterinary offices, but is available without a prescription.