How to Become Certified in Pet First Aid

Watching your beloved pet sustain an injury is truly terrifying. While first-aid is no substitute for proper veterinary treatment, knowing what to do in an emergency can buy your pet valuable time between the accident site and the hospital. Organizations such as The American Red Cross and The Humane Society offer pet first-aid certification courses throughout the United States, empowering pet owners with the training and knowledge necessary to save an animal in crisis. The availability of courses varies by geographic region, but teaching materials and instruction manuals are available for purchase online. Obtaining your pet first-aid certification requires completing the course and demonstrating your understanding of the proper techniques and concepts.


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      Find a course provider. Check with your local Humane Society or the Red Cross chapter in your area. Frequency of courses depends on the size of the chapter and the number of instructors available. The cost of completing the four-hour certification course ranges between $50 and $100. Discuss payment options and enrollment procedures with your local chapter contact person.

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      Attend the class. During the four-hour class, you'll learn how to asses injury, take vital signs, stop choking, manage bleeding wounds and perform CPR. The instructor will often use a dog of her own to demonstrate techniques, while students practice on stuffed-animal "dummy dogs."

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      Complete the workbook questions. Some instructors will require you to complete workbook pages after each topic section, while others save them for the end. The course will conclude with a series of multiple-choice questions regarding appropriate action and knowledge of pet first-aid. The questions pertain to information taught during the four-hour course.