How to Determine Male Vs. Female Puppies

When puppies are born, there is no way to tell at a casual glance whether they are male or female. Both male and female puppies are born blind, with a nursing instinct that brings them to their mother's side and both male and female puppies have nipples. Despite this, sexing a puppy is a straightforward process as long as you know what you are looking for.

Things You'll Need

  • Towel
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      Wait until the puppy is 3 weeks old. While it is possible to sex the puppies before this age, this is the age when the mother dogs tend to be less anxious about having people handle their young.

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      Rest the puppy on a clean towel on its back and lift it up. This holds the puppy securely while you check its genitalia.

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      Locate the umbilical cord. The remnants of the umbilical cord may be confused for a penis, especially if you have never sexed a puppy before. The umbilical cord is high on the puppy's belly. The genitals are lower, between the legs.

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      Examine the area between the puppy's hind legs. A male puppy has a small, rounded penis in this area, while a female puppy has a leaf-shaped bump with a slit in the middle, which is her vulva.