How to prevent frostbite in dogs

Frostbite is a serious condition that can affect both indoor and outdoor dogs in freezing temperatures. The tips of the ears, tail, scrotum and toes are the most vulnerable when it comes to frostbite, which is the injury or death of tissue from prolonged exposure to freezing or subfreezing temperatures. Frostbite on dogs looks red, gray or white and may be hard and cold. During times of extreme cold temperatures, taking several precautionary measures may help prevent frostbite in dogs.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Cooking spray
  • Dog sweater or coat
  • Dog boots
  • Dog fur clipper
  • Towel
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      Provide warm, dry housing for outdoor dogs.

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      Ask your dog's veterinarian if any of her medication or medical condition may make her more susceptible to frostbite.

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      Shovel an outside area free of snow for bathroom breaks.

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      Spray paws with small amount of cooking spray before cold weather walks.

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      Buy warm pet coats, sweaters and boots to protect your dog from frostbite. Find coats or sweaters with a high collar and extends from the base of the dog's tail on top to underneath the belly.

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      Clip fur between toe pads to prevent snow and ice from building up.

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      Wipe snow and ice off of dog's feet, legs and stomach with a towel after she returns inside from outside.