Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax
Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of borax and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in 2 cups of water. Apply the solution to the affected areas and let it dry naturally. Repeat on a weekly basis.
Other Household Remedies
Honey helps soothe irritation caused by mange. Put a small amount of yogurt on your pet's ears to help cure crusting and discharge. Apply honey to the skin. Reduce irritation by rubbing the skin with cooking oil. Add 1 teaspoon of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to your pup's food. Bathe her regularly with mild soap. Boil an unpeeled lemon, let the solution sit overnight and apply it to her coat.
Other Considerations
Keep your dog healthy to avoid mange. Mites are not uncommon in animals. They become a problem when your pet's immune system is compromised. Feed him a healthy diet, exercise him and groom him regularly. Keep his sleeping area clean. Mange can be fatal, so if symptoms are severe, see your veterinarian.
A Good Easy Treatment for Mange
Mange is caused by mites and is most common in dogs. The mites burrow into the dog's skin and drink his blood. Symptoms include scratching, hair loss and and weight loss. There are a number of at-home remedies that cure the infestation and prevent it from returning.