What Are the Treatments for Flea Allergy?

Flea Allergy Dermatitis is a common condition in dogs, cats and other animals. While fleas make most dogs and cats itch, some animals are especially sensitive to a flea's saliva. Cat World reports that there are 15 allergens in flea saliva. Signs of Flea Allergy Dermatitis include nipping at the affected area until wounds actually form. Other signs are large red welts and excessive itching.
  1. Cold Water Bath

    • Animals with Flea Allergy Dermatitis can be given a cold bath to help relieve the itching and irritation of the skin. The cold water is soothing to the animal's sores. Hot or warm water may make the itching worse.

    Medicated Shampoo

    • Medicated shampoos are available at pet stores to help pets who are suffering from flea allergies. The shampoo will help calm the irritation. This can be combined with a cold bath.

    Topical Treatments and Antibiotics

    • Veterinarians will prescribe a topical ointment or cream to treat the individual sores caused by irritated flea bites. A veterinarian may also prescribe an antibiotic to prevent the sores from becoming infected.


    • The best way to fight Flea Allergy Dermatitis is to prevent it from happening. Pet owners can buy medications that will prevent fleas from biting dogs and cats. Most of these medications are given once a month and simply placed on the animal's skin.