Dander Treatment

Most common household pets, such as dogs and cats, have dander that can cause moderate to severe allergies in people. Give your itchy skin, watery eyes and sneezing some relief with simple tips to reduce pet dander.
  1. Cause

    • Pet dander is caused by the microscopic dead skin cells that are flaked off and dispersed into the air when an animal scratches or licks. The dander is lightweight and can remain airborne for hours. The sticky nature of the dander causes it to adhere to furniture, clothing, carpets, bedding and other household items.


    • To reduce pet dander in your home, wash pets outside with dander-reducing shampoo, and wear gloves and a mask to limit the exposure to dander. Using an air purifier and daily vacuuming with a HEPA filter will help eliminate the dander particles indoors.


    • If you are allergic to animals, remain pet-free and do not allow others to bring animals into your home. If you own an animal and want to keep your pet, have an area, such as your bedroom, that is designated as a pet-free zone.

    Hypoallergenic Dogs

    • Some dogs are considered hypoallergenic. Poodles are a good choice when it comes to dogs that don't shed and are hypoallergenic. Other breeds include, Australian Terrier, Maltese and Irish Water Spaniel. Unfortunately for cat lovers, there are no breeds that are considered hypoallergenic.