Is Lawn Fertilizer Harmful to Dogs?

Having a healthy, lush lawn comes as a result of careful watering, mowing and, of course, fertilizing. While homeowners certainly want to enjoy their green space, if a dog is a part of your family, take steps to use the right products for fertilizing to ensure that your lawn can be safely enjoyed by all members of your family.
  1. Potential Risks

    • An article in Veterinary Medicine points out that only fertilizers that contain extra additives such as herbicides, pesticides, fungicides or heavy metals like zinc, copper or iron present a toxic risk to dogs.

    Physical Effects of Toxic Fertilizer

    • Veterinary Medicine further states that dogs that have ingested toxic fertilizer exhibit signs of gastrointestinal irritation such as diarrhea, lethargy, hypersalivation or vomiting.

    Toxic Chemicals in Fertilizer

    • Additives found in some fertilizers are toxic to dogs. Montana State University Extension states that fertilizers with ammonium nitrate are toxic to animals. It may irritate their lungs and skin, if ingested. For safety, they further suggest to follow the restricted entry intervals (REI) following a fertilizer application.