How to Get Rid of Mites for My Shih Tzu That Scratches a Lot

A Shih Tzu that is constantly scratching its ears and has brown discharge coming from them could indicate a sure sign of mites - microscopic parasites that attack a dog's ears. It is important that you stop the dog from scratching, as that can worsen the problem by causing an infection.

Things You'll Need

  • Cone
  • Vinegar and water
  • aloe vera
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  1. Getting rid of mites on a Shih Tzu

    • 1

      From a pet store, get a cone and put it on the dog's neck. The cone will make the dog look like it has a lampshade on its head. This will prevent the dog from scratching its ears.You will need to keep the cone on until the problem goes away.

    • 2

      Mix 1 teaspoon of white vinegar to 3 tablespoons of water. Pour half the solution in one of the ears. Rub the ear until you hear a squishing sound. Let the dog shake his head. Clean the ear out. Repeat the procedure with the other ear. Repeat every other day for six days. You can buy a similar solution at a feed or pet store or from your veterinarian. The package directs that you repeat the procedure weekly.

    • 3

      If the above procedure does not work, try shampooing the dog's head and ears. Also, shampoo his tail. Then repeat the procedure. After a month, of following these steps, the dog shouldn't have mites anymore. As a last resort, take your dog to the veterinarian who can prescribe antibiotics.

    • 4

      Rub the ears with aloe vera to reduce the inflammation and give the dog a little more comfort while the ears heal. Yellow Dock is an herbal tea remedy used to kill mites. Use it the same way as in Step 2. An alternative to the vinegar and water is a half of almond or olive oil and 400 IU vitamin E. Blend in a dropper bottle with warm water. Mites like to hide until you finish then they will crawl back into the ears.