True aloe is a succulent plant and a member of the Aloaceae family. Aloe contains chemicals such as anthraquinones and aloin, which provide its toxicity and can cause symptoms of plant poisoning in dogs.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, dogs that ingest aloe suffer from symptoms such as vomiting and a change in urine color. Dogs often have red urine after aloe poisoning.
Dog owners should keep their aloe plants away from pets. Eliminating the plant entirely is a foolproof way to prevent accidental ingestion. Dogs that ingest the aloe plant should visit their veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Take a sample of the plant so the veterinarian can identify it.
Is Pure Aloe Poisonous to Dogs?
Dog owners must take care to ensure the safety of their pets when selecting plants for their garden or inside their home. Aloe is commonly found in many homes, but the plant, also known as true aloe, is poisonous if ingested by dogs.