What Are the Benefits of Tick Spraying?

It is important to spray for ticks on the ground or on your animal in order to prevent a full-blown infestation of these blood-sucking parasites. If an infestation does occur, ticks can cause disease and discomfort for you and your pet.
  1. Prevention/Solution

    • Most people know that a tick can carry Lyme disease, but it can also carry Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis. A dog can also catch tick paralysis, which literally causes paralysis. According to familyvet.com, the best way to prevent your dog or you from catching these diseases is to work with your vet to develop a prevention strategy.


    • According to familyvet.com, topical sprays that are alcohol-based will work best. A spray works quickly to kill ticks that are currently on the dog. You can also find some that will prevent the ticks eggs from hatching. Sprays are most effective as a preliminary measure to kill ticks before beginning a prevention strategy such as a topical repellent or between dips.


    • While they all carry disease and cause irritation, there are several species of ticks, including: the brown dog tick, American dog tick and the deer tick. The deer tick will bite humans and animals, while the American dog tick and brown dog tick tend to stay outdoors, according to the Delaware County Extension Agency.


    • Using a spray is very important in killing adult ticks to prevent an infestation. A female tick can lay up to 2,000 eggs at a time which will then hatch and feed off the blood of the animal they live on.