How to Keep Bandages on a Dog

The injuries and surgeries our pets experience can be traumatic, often requiring specialized wound care and bandaging. Keeping these healing bandages in place can be an animal all its own. Most dogs recognize the bandages on its body, and quickly plot ways to remove them. Chewing, pulling and tugging can often loosen bandages, or remove them completely, exposing wound sites, stitches and other injuries. A few preventive measures can ensure that your pet's bandages stay securely in place.

Things You'll Need

  • Halo or e-collar
  • Gauze
  • Tape
  • Bitter apple spray or apple cider vinegar
  • Tights
  • Chew toys or treats
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      Place a plastic halo or e-collar on your dog. These collars prevent your dog from reaching wound or surgery sites with its mouth.

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      Apply extra layers of gauze and tape, cloth or canvas to the wound. When your pet starts chewing on the reinforced bandage, it may give up after a few layers due to boredom. This might not work on all dogs, but the extra layers better protect the wound and can deter chewing.

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      Purchase bitter apple spray at a pet supply store and spray on the site. The tart taste will keep dogs from chewing on their bandages. If you don't have spray, you can substitute apple cider vinegar.

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      Cut adult or children's tights to fit over the bandage area. This prevents bandages from sliding around difficult bandage areas, such as legs and ears. The elastic holds the bandage firmly in place, without restricting movement or circulation.

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      Chew toys and treats can take your dog's mind off its bandages.

      Place additional chew toys and treats around for your dog to play with. If your pet has a more desirable object to chew, it will stop tearing at the bandages and start munching on the toys and treats.