Dangers of Hartz Mountain UltraGuard Flea Collars

Hartz flea and tick killer pet supplies, such as the Mountain UltraGuard flea collar, have been the cause of pet illness and death in the past due to the chemical compounds that the company uses in its products. The chemicals do not affect every animal, but an above average number have suffered from its effects to the point where vets have issued warnings against the products. If you are considering using these flea collars, it is best to check with your vet first to see it there are still any warnings or concerns with the product.
  1. Seizures

    • There are side effects related with Hartz medicine that is used in products from skin drops and shampoo to the powder on flea collars. It has been known to cause seizures in both cats and dogs, as well as severe illness and pain. Some animals that get this side effect make it through, if not a little weak and worn out. However, there are cases of it causing death from a poisoning to they animal's blood stream. Seeking medical attention from a vet is the only way to help the animal, but they can only make them more comfortable or ease the seizures. It is up to the pet to fight through the reaction.

    Rash and Burns

    • The flea collars from Hartz cause an allergic reaction in some pets. The powdery medicine in which the collars are covered creates a rash, or in some severe cases a chemical burn around the neck. You must remove the collar at once and clean the skin. Contact a vet to get recommendations on how to soothe the inflammation.

    Internal Bleeding

    • Internal bleeding is the biggest danger from the Hartz UltraGuard flea collar and other treatments. Sometimes coming in conjunction with the seizures and illness, the internal bleeding happens in less animals but is fatal. It will cause weakness in your pet and might cause pain. Take the animal to the vet for any complications after using a Hartz flea collar to increase the chance of survival.