The Best Omega 3 Coat Supplements for Havanese

The Havanese is a small, sturdy breed of dog. The Havanese Club of America states that the coat should be abundant with silky, wavy hair. If the Havanese is not receiving optimum nutrition or is suffering from health problems, the coat can become dull or thin. Havanese owners can give a range of Omega 3 coat supplements to their pets to improve their coats.
  1. Oily Fish

    • Fish is a good source of Omega 3. An increased intake of fish should improve the condition of a dull or lackluster coat. Omega 3 is a polyunsaturated fat. It is considered to be an 'essential' fatty acid as dogs can't produce it naturally in their body and rely on their food to provide it. Mixing up some salmon or mackerel with your dog's regular food is an effective way of delivering supplementary Omega 3 without radically adjusting the diet. It's important to reduce your dog's intake of other food if you are increasing its intake of oily fish. Too much fat in the diet can lead to stomach problems, diarrhea and weight gain. Start with a small dose of supplementary Omega 3 and increase it gradually. If your dog is on other medication, it is important to discuss any diet supplement with your veterinarian before commencing.

    Flax Seed

    • Many commercial dog foods are rich in carbohydrates but low in oils. While the foods may deliver the basic level of nutrition required for survival, they don't always provide optimum nutrition. Sprinkle a handful of flax seed over your pet's food in order to increase its intake of Omega 3. Since the Havanese is a small and relatively low energy breed, it will gain weight quickly if over-fed. Be careful not to increase the calorific intake when adding coat supplements to its food.

    Pumpkin Seed

    • Sprinkle a handful of pumpkin seeds in your dog's meal. This will add flavor as well as essential fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids benefit the condition of the coat, but there are other health benefits too. According to "Vet Info", Omega 3 fatty acids improve the condition of the skin, reduce skin infections and increase healing time. The fatty acid also improves the condition of the joints and reduces the effects of arthritis.