Ear Problems in a Labrador Retriever

Since the Labrador retriever has floppy ears, the breed is more prone to having ear infections. It is a good idea to monitor them for any sign of discomfort. Some symptoms include shaking the head, irritability and scratching the ear. To prevent secondary infections, it is best to deal with all ear problems early.
  1. Infestations

    • Floppy ears produce a warm and moist environment for small organisms. Some common infestations include mites, yeast and bacteria. To the naked eye, ear mites look like dark brown droppings. Yeast infections have an odorous brownish discharge and bacteria will usually produce an off-white discharge. To prevent infestations, trim ear hairs short and keep moisture to a minimum.


    • Allergies can cause ear problems in a lab retriever. Usually these can only be managed. Food allergies are discovered through the process of elimination. Others can be harder to detect or deal with. As with humans, treatments such as antihistamines may be administered.

    Other ear problems

    • Water, hair or plant matter can end up becoming lodged in a lab's ear. If the object is not easily reached, take the dog to a vet.

      Some Labrador retrievers may have hormonal abnormalities like hypothyroidism or hereditary diseases like tumors. In these cases a vet will administer medication to either manage or reduce the symptoms.