Pit Bulls' Skin Disorders

Pit bulls were originally developed for dog fighting, but are now found as loving, loyal pets in many homes across the country. Owners of this breed need to be aware, however, of the common skin conditions of these playful pups.
  1. Skin Sensitivity

    • Pit bulls can be extremely sensitive to bites and stings, such as those from fleas, ants and bees. They can also be more sensitive than other breeds to certain soaps and shampoos, and may require skin softeners and special lotions that do not irritate their skin.

    Seasonal Allergies

    • Seasonal allergies produce the most common skin problems for pit bulls. They cause the dog to scratch excessively, sometimes resulting in skin removal and infections. These infections can become serious if left untreated.

    Dry Skin

    • Pit bulls have a tendency to develop dry skin, leading to the development of itchy, inflamed areas known as "hot spots." As with seasonal allergies, when these hot spots occur the dog may sometimes remove the skin entirely by scratching, leading to infection and further problems.