Knowing if your dog has acid reflux can be hard because pets can't tell us when they don't feel good. Common symptoms of acid reflux in dogs are a refusal to eat and frequent gagging. Dogs with acid reflux are generally less active, too.
Acid reflux can happen to any dog. Typically, dogs that are overweight are more prone to it. Dogs with a bad diet are also susceptible. Sometimes dogs have acid reflux because of genetic reasons that cause a defect with their lower esophageal sphincter -- causing bile to escape from the stomach.
There are treatment options for dogs with acid reflux. Antacids work by reducing the amount of acid. If your dog is really having an issue, consult with your veterinarian. She may be able to prescribe a medication that helps reduce the amount of stomach acid produced by the stomach.
Canine Acid Reflux Disease
Like humans, canines can suffer from acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when a dog's lower esophageal sphincter doesn't work properly. When that happens, acid from the stomach comes up in the esophagus and mouth, and causes uncomfortable acid reflux symptoms like an upset stomach and bile.