How Long Does It Take for Dogs Hair to Grow?

Growth of your dog's hair is dependent upon many factors from specific breeds of dogs, health, growth stages and age. Hair grows in different phases, with some dogs' hair growing continuously while others go through a grow and shed process. Timing for a dog's hair growth varies with each individual canine.
  1. Phases of Hair Growth

    • There are three phases of hair growth, anagen, catagen and telogen. Phase one is the anagen stage of new growth. The catagen phase is the transition stage at which time growth stops and your dog goes through a shedding process. telogen is the resting phase. Hair grows from a simple opening in the skin called a hair follicle. Hair follicles are not in the same phase at the same time.

    Factors Affecting Hair Growth

    • Health factors that encourage hair growth are hormones such at thyroxine, growth hormone, insulin, cystine and methionine. There is no guaranteed amount of time it takes for the hair to grow though good hormonal balance provides optimum growth. Most puppies by age six months have a full coat and will continue to grow hair into adulthood through the three phases.

    Help for Good Hair Growth

    • For healthy hair growth, provide a balanced diet with appropriate levels of protein, minerals and vitamins. Brushing your dog's coat weekly can stimulate healthy skin and hair growth.