Natural Cures for Ear Mites

If you ever look into a dog's or cat's ears and see what appears to be coffee grounds, you might be looking at ear mites--parasites that infest the ears of animals. The mites can cause itching, irritation and infections. Natural cures are available to combat ear mites.
  1. Oils

    • A number of oils provide relief from ear mites. Break a vitamin E capsule, and pour it into 1/2 oz. olive oil. Slightly warm the mixture, and use an eyedropper to administer it into your pet's ears every other day for six days. Almond oil can be used as an alternative to the vitamin E and olive oil mixture. Once the oil has been dropped into the pet's ears, let the pet shake it out. Run a cotton swab over the outer ears to clean them.


    • Garlic is a natural disinfectant and repellent, so it is great for getting rid of ear mites. Chop four cloves of garlic, and add them to 1 cup olive oil. Wait a day or two for the garlic to fully mix with the oil, then pour the mixture through a strainer. Fill a dropper with the mixture, and drop it into your pet's ears.

    Yellow Dock

    • Yellow dock is an herb that works as an ear mite cure. Put a handful of yellow dock into a cup. Pour boiling water into the cup, and let the herb steep like a teabag. Once the water has cooled down, drop it into the infested ears. This particular treatment should be used only once every three or four days.

    Mullein Flowers

    • Dried mullein flowers are available at many health food stores. Turn it into an ear mite treatment by placing 2 tbsp. dried mullein flowers into a pan. Add 1 cup olive oil to the pan, and heat it over low heat for about six hours. Strain the mixture, then refrigerate it for six days. Slightly warm the oil, and drop it into your pet's ears.