The Benefits of Flaxseed Oil for Dogs

Doctors commonly inform their patients of the benefits of taking flaxseed oil supplements, but most people aren't aware that such supplements are beneficial for their canine friends as well. Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids--an essential ingredient to any pet's diet. Having studied pet nutrition for 10 years, Alan from confirms that omega-3 is an effective natural aid in the enhancement of your dog's health and maintenance of their immune system.
  1. Immune System

    • The Daily Puppy concludes that the omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseed oil play a major role in preserving the immune system. This is important because the immune system works to prevent other health problems and diseases. Since flaxseed oil boosts the immune system, it also diminishes problems that result from a weakened immune system.


    • Allergies are prevalent in dogs, just as they are in humans. Dog allergens can stem from practically anywhere---from fleas to grass to fabrics to food. According to Pet Education, allergies are commonly the result of an immune system overreaction and, therefore, subside when flaxseed oil is incorporated into a dog's diet.

    Inflammatory Disease

    • Omega-3 fatty acids contain eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, which can be absorbed into cell membranes. Pet Education explains that when a cell is damaged, both EPA and AA, arachidonic acid, are released. AA is metabolized by enzymes into substances that increase inflammation. EPA, however, competes with AA for the same enzymes, therefore less inflammatory substances are created. Using flaxseed oil, high in omega-3 fatty acids and thus high in EPA, eases symptoms of inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis, kidney inflammation and inflammatory bowel disease. Easing inflammation can improve your dog's mobility.

    Heart Disease

    • Pet Education affirms that adding omega-3 fatty acids to your dog's diet can prevent cardiovascular problems, due to the anti-clotting effect fatty acids have on platelets. High cholesterol, high blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythm are a few common heart-related illnesses found in dogs. If your dog has already been diagnosed with heart disease, give it flaxseed oil along with its prescribed medications.

    Skin and Coat

    • Flaxseed oil improves skin and coat condition. Pet Education establishes that, as with inflammation, enzymes metabolize arachidonic acid into substances that increase skin pruritus, or itching. The eicosapentaenoic acid provided by omega-3 fatty acids competes with the arachidonic acid for these enzymes, therefore decreasing itching. The Daily Puppy says dry, itchy skin or a dull coat can be a sign of other health issues. Since flaxseed oil improves the immune system, helping it to fight off health problems, it can in that case maintain healthy skin and a shiny coat.