Dogs need a regular supply of fresh, cool water to avoid dehydration. It can be easy for dogs to become dehydrated because they lose a lot of fluid through panting to keep their body temperature down. Dehydration can cause dry mouth and dry, sunken eyes that may become blood-shot or pink. Place your dog in a cool area and give them cold water every few minutes. If symptoms are extremely pronounced, see a veterinarian immediately.
Conjunctivitis presents the same way in dogs as it does in humans. One or both eyes become extremely irritated and pink, not red, in color. Conjunctivitis can be caused by bacterial eye infections, corneal diseases and other disorders so it is important to bring your dog to a vet if you detect pink eye.
Pancreatitis can cause dry mouth and dry eyes. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that presents with appetite loss or vomiting, fever, abdominal pain and dehydration. Other symptoms may include diarrhea and depression.
Dry Mouth & Pink Eye in Dogs
Staying on top of your pet's health can be a challenge, so keeping informed about certain symptoms, their causes and treatments is essential for dog owners. Two common symptoms are dry mouth and pink eyes.