What to Give a Chihuahua Puppy With Diarrhea?

Newborn Chihuahua puppies generally weigh 3 to 5 ounces, reaching full growth at around 18 months of age. According to the Chihuahua Club of America, an adult's weight should weigh no more than 6 pounds. Their tiny size makes exact dosing and quick treatment important.
  1. Prescriptions

    • Some conditions require veterinary diagnosis and prescriptions. According to Washington State University, common bacterial causes of diarrhea include campylobacter, salmonella and E. coli. These conditions require antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian. Viruses that cause diarrhea include distemper, parvovirus and coronavirus, according to WSU. These conditions often kill tiny puppies and require immediate veterinary treatment and often hospitalization. Parasites, including worms, cause diarrhea. A stool sample helps the veterinarian determine the type of parasite and the medication required to eliminate the worms or parasites. Bloody or foul-smelling stools require immediate veterinary attention to rule out damaged intestines from swallowing a foreign object or severe infection. Other causes include life-threatening diseases like liver or kidney failure.


    • Overeating, new foods and food allergies may cause diarrhea, according to WSU. General diarrhea treatments include approximately 1/2 tbsp. soluble fiber product or rice to decrease watery stools, according to Vetinfo. Give your dog a meal of 2/3 rice and 1/3 plain boiled chicken or beef. Probiotics, which are healthy intestinal bacteria, help develop a normal intestine and stool production.


    • Diarrhea in small breeds presents special concerns. According to Mar Vista Animal Medical Center, one problem for tiny puppies includes hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia may cause symptoms such as listlessness and seizures. Diarrhea decreases nutrition absorption and increases risks of hypoglycemia and dehydration. Avoid dehydration by giving enough water and products such as Gatorade, according to Vetinfo. Get the chihuahua to a veterinarian if home treatment does not stop the diarrhea within 48 hours.