Puppies are naturally curious, so it is no wonder when they go outside they want to taste and eat different things. Bird droppings can give puppies a parasitic bacterial infection in their tummies, known as giardia. Giardia causes diarrhea, and your vet will be able to determine if this is what your puppy is suffering from. Dog Owner's Guide says that puppies that have diarrhea caused by giardia are prescribed Flagyl (Metronidazole), which is an antibiotic that eliminates parasites in the puppy's intestines.
Anti-Motility Drugs
According to Dog Health Guide, anti-motility drugs are anti-diarrheal drugs that relax the puppy's intestines in effort to slow down the ongoing bowel movements. This medication is prescribed for puppies with diarrhea that will not stop on its own. With anti-motility drugs, more water is able to be absorbed in the body so the stools are not as watery. This medication is especially used when the owner and vet are concerned about dehydration.
Human Medicine
PetEducation.com says it is okay to give puppies human medicine for diarrhea---such as Imodium. Kaopectate can be administered to puppies to coat their tummies and take away the "upset." Kaopectate is preferred over Pepto-Bismal because Pepto-Bismal contains aspirin, and Kaopectate does not. When these over the counter medications do not work for your puppy, let the vet know so that he or she can prescribe something more powerful and effective.
Mild cases of diarrhea can be conquered by changing the puppy's diet. Feeding your dog plain rice and boiled chicken is a bland meal that is gentle on their tummies and can help stop diarrhea. Dogbreedinfo.com recommends starting with rice cooked in chicken stock or with chicken breast for the first day or two of the diarrhea's onset. Chicken should be added to the rice meal by the third day, and this diet should be continued until the diarrhea ceases. Once the diarrhea has been gone for at least 24 hours, the puppy's regular food can be introduced gradually. Remember, a puppy's tummy can become sensitive when their food is changed too fast.