Skin Irritation on Puppies

Skin irritation or problems in puppies is common and may be related to several factors, according to The Daily Puppy. Puppies are susceptible to environmental and skin allergies, pest infestations and infections that can cause skin irritation.
  1. Types

    • According to Vet Info, skin irritation in puppies may present in the form of redness, dryness, a rash, hair loss, and scaly or flaky skin. Other symptoms of skin irritation are behavioral, such as excessive scratching, licking or chewing on the body. Puppies may also rub along the carpet or furniture to soothe itching.


    • The most common cause of skin irritation in puppies is an allergy to fleas. Other causes include food and environmental allergies, parasitic infestations such as mites or lice, and fungal or bacterial infections.

    Prevention and Solution

    • The first step in treatment of skin irritation is to determine the cause, according to Halo Pet Education. A veterinarian can diagnose the problem and prescribe or recommend the best solution. In many cases, flea prevention, a change in food, or anti-inflammatory allergy medications can resolve the skin irritation.